News Update
Monday, 17 March

Resep Sponge Cake Kukus

Dclove Bolu Kukus Depok Food Beverage Company Cibinong

Cake Keju Kukus (Steamed Layer Cheese Sponge Cake)

In Indonesian & English


  • 4 Kuning telur, 4 Telur, 1 sm Emulsifier
  • 1½ st ekstrak Vanillie, 40 gr Maizena
  • 150 gr Terigu serba guna, 195 gr Gula
  • 180 ml Minyak sayur, 80 gr Cream cheese
  • 60 gr Mentega, 1 st Bak.pwd, 1 st Garam
  • 180 gr Keju serut, 1 st Kulit lemon parut
  • 160 gr Krim kental, 75 gr Mascarpone
Cara membuat

  • Campur terigu, maizena, bak.pwd, sisihkan. Kocok kng tlr, telur, emulsifier, 1 st vanillie & 180 gr gula hingga pucat & kental. Beri cream cheese & garam, kocok lagi sebentar. Ayak campuran terigu kedlm adonan, aduk dng spatula.
  •  Lelehkan 50 gr mentega, biarkan mendingin, campur dng minyak. Tuang minyak keadonan, aduk rata dng gerakan melipat2. Mskkan 100 gr keju, aduk perlahan. Bagi adonan jadi 2 sama banyak.
  • Krim olesan: Kocok mascarpone, krim kental, klt lemon parut, ½ st vanilie & 15 gr gula sampai kaku dan lembut. Tutup cream & simpan di kulkas min 1 jam.
  • Panaskan kukusan dng api bsr sampai air mendidih & beruap. Kecilkan api ke sedang. Bungkus tutup kukusan dng lap. Tuang adonan I ke loyang bulat uk 18-20 cm yg sdh diolesi mentega. Ketuk loyang bbrp kali ke meja agar gelembung udara yg ada di dlm adonan keluar. Mskkan loyang ke kukusan, kukus ± 30-35 mnt. Angkat & dinginkan. Ulangi prosedur utk adonan II.
  • Penyusunan: Ltkkan kue dng posisi terbalik (bagian bwh menghdp atas). Olesi sisi atas kue I dng ¼ dari krim sampai ketepi dngn spatula kmd taburi keju. Oles sisi bwh kue II dng ¼ krim, ltkkan kue II di atas kue I, tekan perlahan utk memadatkan, olesi sisi atasnya dng ½ krim & taburi keju.

  • 4 Egg yolks, 4 Egg, 1 tbsp Emulsifier
  • 1½ sp Vanilla extract, 40 gr Corn starch
  • 150 gr All-purpose Flour, 195 gr Sugar
  • 75 gr Mascarpone, 80 gr Cream cheese
  • 60 gr Butter, 180 gr shredded Cheese
  • 160 gr Heavy whipped cream, 1 tsp Salt
  • 180 ml Vegetable oil, 1 tsp Lemon zest
  • 1 tsp Baking powder

  • Combine the flour, corn starch & bak.pwd, set aside. Beat egg yolks, eggs, 180 gr sugar, 1 tsp vanilla & emulsifier until thick & pale. Add in cream cheese & salt, beat for awhile. Sift the flour mixture over the batter, mix with a spatula.
  • Melt 50 gr butter, let it cool down a bit & then combine it with oil. Pour the mixture into the batter; fold in using a spatula. Gently stir in 100 gr cheese. Devide the batter into 2 equal portions.
  • Cream: Beat the mascarpone, heavy cream, lemon zest, ½ tsp vanilla & 15 gr sugar until the mixture holds its shape, looks like soft whipped cream. Cover & refrigerate for min 1 hour.
  • Heat the steamer until the water is boiling & steam comes out from under the lid. Turn the heat to medium; cover the steamers lid with a clean cloth. Pour 1 batter portion into a greased 18-20 cm round pan. Tap the pan on the table a few times to bring up air bubbles. Place the pan into the steamer; steam for ± 30-35 mins. Remove the pan from the steamer & let the cake cool. Repeat the procedure for the next batter portion.
  • To assemble the cake: Put each cake bottom side up; spread ¼ of the cream over the top of  1st cake with a spatula so it extends just beyond edges; sprinkle with enough cheese. Spread ¼ of the cream over the bottom side of the 2nd cake; place the 2nd cake on top of the 1st cake; gently pressing to compact. Spread ½ of the cream over the top of the 2nd cake & sprinkle with cheese.

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