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Sunday, 16 March

Resep Ayam Opor

Resep Opor Ayam Bumbu Mu

Opor Ayam

Last updated:  — Published:  — By: Anita — 18 comments

Opor ayam (chicken cooked in coconut milk) is one of the easiest Indonesian recipes you can try at home, and very delicious. Unlike many other Indonesian dishes, opor ayam is mild and chili free, making this dish a perfect introduction to Indonesian dishes.

Opor ayam (chicken cooked in coconut milk) is one of many Indonesian dishes from Central Java. Most families serve opor ayam and ketupat (rice cake in woven palm leaf pouch) to celebrate Lebaran (Idul Fitri, or Eid). For more everyday occasions, you can spot opor ayam in a nasi gudeg meal set where the chicken is served with steamed white rice, gudeg (young jackfruit sweet stew), and sambal goreng krecek (crispy beef skin and chili stew).

Opor ayam is a child-friendly dish

Opor ayam is very mild compared to many Indonesian dishes. It has no chilies, making this dish very children friendly. I myself remember how this is one of my favorite dishes when I was a child myself. Although many Indonesian serve opor ayam as part of a set rice meal, it is by no mean a must. It is perfectly acceptable to serve opor ayam with nothing else but a bowl of steamed white rice. A side of sambal bajak or sambal terasi is, of course, a welcome addition to those who do love a bit of chili kick.

The long list of ingredients

Unfortunately, there is no avoiding the long list of ingredients in many Indonesian recipes. Luckily, if you are a fan of Indonesian dishes and plan to prepare Indonesian dishes often, the list of ingredients that you see in this recipe will appear again and again in many other Indonesian recipes. Aside from daun salam (Indonesian bay leaves) and kemiri (candlenut), other ingredients appear regularly in many other Southeast Asian recipes, so they should be quite easy to find.

Make a proper Indonesian feast

If you are planning to serve opor ayam as part of a feast, you may want to prepare the followings too:

Gallery Resep Ayam Opor

Bumbu Cara Memasak Opor Ayam Ala Restoran Bintang 5

Bumbu Cara Memasak Opor Ayam Ala Restoran Bintang 5

Opor Ayam Panggang Rasasayange Co Id

Resep Opor Ayam Dan Telur Delish Tube Id

5 Variasi Resep Opor Ayam Untuk Sajian Lebaran Mulai Opor

Resep Opor Ayam Putih Menu Istimewa Khas Yogyakarta Topkoky

Resep Opor Ayam Bumbu Kuning Untuk Lebaran Cantik Tempo Co

Resep Opor Ayam Tahu Telur Istimewa Oleh Mommy Indah Cookpad

Resep Ayam Opor Nasi Liwet Solo Part 3 Oleh Debby Cookpad

Resep Ayam Opor Ayam Bakar Chicken Recepies Malay Food

Ingin Menyantap Opor Ayam Namun Terhalang Kolesterol

Opor Ayam Tahu Kuning Special Kuah Gurih

Resep Hidangan Opor Ayam Spesial Resep Rasa Dapurku

Resep Opor Ayam Ala Waty

Resep Opor Ayam Spesial Saat Lebaran Lifestyle Fimela Com

Rahasia Resep Opor Ayam Spesial Yang Mudah Dibuat Dengan

Sebelum Lebaran Yuk Catat Resep Opor Ayam Kampung Yang

Resep Opor Ayam Kampung Pedas Enaknya Kebangetan Lifestyle

Opor Ayam Khas Cepu Dengan Bango Bumbu Kuliner Nusantara Bango

5 Aneka Resep Opor Ayam Spesial Beserta Tips Cara Membuatnya

193 Resep Opor Ayam Bumbu Kuning Kara Enak Dan Sederhana

Resep Opor Ayam Siap Menggoyang Lidah Keluarga

Resep Ayam Opor Ayam Pedas

Opor Ayam Kuning

Resep Opor Ayam


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